The accurate on-line waste reporting solution from Select a Skip  Most other companies use the generic recycling figures for a waste transfer station to compile their reports. On that basis a skip containing 10 tonnes of rubble would only reflect the recycling percentage of the facility it is taken to. If that figure is 75% your waste report will not show a true reflection of the waste, given that brick rubble is usually crushed and 100% recycled.
WasteBox compiles accurate waste reports by cross-referencing the indivdual recycling potential of each waste stream based on information provided by you, the skip provider and the Environment Agency.
If the skip provider recycles all of their brick rubble waste then that skip will show as 100% recycled - the correct figure, and a marked improvement in your environmental performance. Contact our Sales and Estimation team to find out about the other great ways that we can help you with all your waste management needs.
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